Middle Georgia Region autocross is pushing hard. In November, we told you about how the Region’s autocross program had all but dissolved, leaving members striving to rebuild its program. Through the hard work of Ray Brake and others, a location was locked in and autocross events began once more. The next step was program growth, then to use the newly developed program to benefit the community.
In early December, Middle Georgia Region hosted a charity autocross, inviting local media to take a spin. Unfortunately, rain also joined in the fun, but while that meant a light turnout, it didn’t stop WGXA’s Brittany Miller from getting behind the wheel of a car supplied by the Region.
“Ray Brake, the Regional Executive, took me around a few times to show me the ropes, and I could see how fast we could go, and then it was my turn,” an effusive Miller reported on air. “It was so much fun, and it was such an adrenaline rush. The first time I did it, my time was 90 seconds. I think I did it three times, and my last time I got it down to 69 seconds.”
“I had a friend of mine that owns Freddie’s Cars in Fort Valley, GA, a used car lot, loan us the reasonably priced car for the media folks to drive,” Brake explained of how the event came together.
As for the charity: “We raised $790 for Kids Yule Love, and had a pile of toys donated as well,” said Brake.
Live in or around Macon, GA, or want to help a local SCCA Region grow? Check out Middle Georgia Region’s website for SCCA Autocross and RallyCross events to attend.
The WGXA news segment can be viewed by clicking here.